
Thursday, June 25, 2009

Catching up

I didn't get to post yesterday because I was running like a madwomen to get stuff done that has been neglected. (Needless to say the house still hasn't been touched) And it doesn't help when you have one car right now, so I was up at the crack of dawn taking daddy to work, pick daddy up, take daddy to school, pick daddy up from school.

I've been frantically working on blankies, because I've gotten behind on them, if you have one ordered, I promise its being done.
Yesterday he had another pretty good day. Still quite cranky, and doesn't like to be held. I think it hurts to be held. While he was in a pretty good mood I tried to get some pics. He did his typical covering his eyes, pulling out the cannula, and definitly not looking at the camera. I guess I can't blame that last one on him, since his vision is quite poor.

We got dinner from another friend last night, it was delicious. Man I eat better when I don't cook, maybe because spagetti and taco's gets old after a while.

I was hoping we were getting better, but last night he was up most of the night, crying. Urgh. I'm so tired I can't see straight, plus, then getting up to take daddy to work. Am I making you tired yet?

We go see the surgeon today, I hope he has some brillliant idea. Not getting my hopes up though. I would love if he would just put the button in, but I think it has to heal first. We'll see.


  1. I'm praying for Jax. if you don't mind I wanna swip some pictures of him and make you something if you don't mind email me I'd also like to post about Jax on my blog.

  2. I'm so sorry things have been rough! You can come visit us in Kansas anytime! I'm here if you need to vent or someone to listen.
    Big hugs!
    Tell Jax that his BFF Phenny man says Hi!!!

  3. Good luck with the surgeon today. I really do hope you hear what you want to hear. I am so excited to bring you dinner next week with Tausha. I can't wait to meet you guys. Hang in there.

  4. Jaxson, pictures of you make me smile!!! You are cute, even when you don't look at the camera, (Gavin doesn't like to do this stinkers!), or when you cover your eyes, or when you are pulling the hose out of your nose! TOO CUTE!!!

    I pray that the surgeon will have some answers and solutions for you!

    And, yes, I'm getting tired just thinking about your days! You poor woman! I pray that things start running smoother for you and your family! You definitely deserve a break!! Hang in there!

    Love and HUGS!!!

  5. Oh, I hope that the surgeon has some good ideas for you today! Poor Jax, and poor sleepy mom!

  6. I am sorry you are so sleep deprived. I am no good without sleep.

    I am hoping for good ideas from the surgeons - my surgeons just operate. They don't know the good stuff. I hope yours is different.

  7. and I forgot to and Jax are constantly in my prayers

  8. I don't know how you are still standing. all I can offer are my prayers. Wish so much I could lend a hand. Jax has totaly taken my heart.

  9. Good luck. We'll be waiting to hear how things go!

  10. Wish we could lighter the load together Lacey.I think it is amazing the outpouring of love and support from the blog community ...I think they have an ulterior motive however ,they ALL want to get their hands on Jax.Hoping one day you will find your way back to California.The boys could be buds and us parents could tackle this road alongside each other.Prayers for you today for some answers to get that little guy feeling better.

  11. ... that would be "lighten" ... I'm tired too!!!

  12. I hope things go well with the doc! I'm sorry life won't slow down for you. Jax may not cooperate from your standpoint, but those pictures are priceless!!

  13. Oh Lacey, praying for you and Jax, poor little guy!

  14. I'm so sorry things have been so difficult!

    I remember 3 mos. this last year when we couldn't get the transmission fixed on our van and only had one car. My husband drives truck and can't bring the truck home. I'd be going to pick him up and taking him to work at 2AM, 4AM, you name it! I was on IV's 4 wks of that and sick as all get out - I was so glad when we got it fixed! (Then I totalled the car a few mos. later!)

  15. I feel exhausted just reading about how busy you are! I hope the surgeon has some magical answers for you.

  16. OMG, I MUST kiss those cheekers one day!! Jax, you're so cute!!

    Praying for you EVERYDAY my love:)

  17. Awwwwwwwww love the pictures!!!!

    Spaghetti and tacos DO get old after a while, but they are still so yummy!!! :0) (I love tacos and spaghetti)
