
Sunday, May 24, 2009

Rainy Sunday

We were going to take the boys to the zoo today, but we woke up to dark clouds and rain. As I am typing this its pouring rain and Tanner is in the corner with his hands over his ears crying.
Aahh, life with an autistic child. Thunder scares the #*$# out of him.
Since we couldn't go to the zoo, we went to see the night at the museum 2. We are supposed to go see it next Saturday with Hope Kids but Carter has a game so we will have to miss it.
It was very cute, I highly recomend it for your viewing pleasure.

At the request of some of our "viewers", here is a video of Jax telling us some great stories, and a little oxygen pulling as well. He is super puffy today, and that has made him quite cranky. Daddy had to take him out of the movie because he was fussing. I think thats the first time we've had to do that with him, he is such an easy going baby. I really hope Boston or Colorado or anyone would hurry up. We need to get this taken care of, he is getting puffier every day.

The plan for tonight is to make chocolate chip cookies and watch Mall Cop. Its time to laugh at senseless humor.


  1. He is tooooooooooooooo flippin cute!!!

    OMG I just want to give him a HUGE SQUEEZE!!!

    I just loved him taking his "nose hose" out and putting it in his mouth....ha ha ha.....Gotta love him!!!

    It just started raining hard here in NJ....Hopefully the weather will clear up by tomorrow!!!

    How was the movie??? Evan bugs us every day to go and see it!!! ha ha

  2. Way to cute! Phoenix does the same thing with his oxygen, I think our boys have talking about ways to keep us busy! I'm pretty sure I heard jaxson say he wanted angela to snuggle him!!!!! ☺☺

  3. I know how you feel, here in Florida it's been raining for a solid week. Nearly 18 inches in our area. We're lucky our place is up high. Instead of being flooded out we just have something resembling a moat outside the house.

  4. Oh Jaxson you are so cute, keep those o's in the nose big dude.
    Love the video

  5. I understood his story completely! What a doll!

  6. Oh, very cute, Emmie watched with me and agrees! We had rain and thunder yesterday and went to see Night at the Museum too. Very funny.

  7. I have never wanted to reach through my computer screen and squeeze someone more than Jax!! WOW!! He is magical! Thanks for sharing!

  8. what is it about nasal cannelas that makes kids want to pull? When she was home, her alarms were start blaring, her stats in the 70s, and I'd find her sucking on her nasal cannela - stinker!


    cookies and mindless humor sounds wonderful!

  9. Thanks! He was 5 in January. He is starting to look like such a boy, and not such a baby anymore (cry!). Wish I could keep all my kids small forever!!

  10. oooooooooooooooooo...we HATED our oxygen toobie even more than our ng toobie! That rascal thing...

    Jaxson likes to make his into bunny teeth, just like LC did!

    So hope someone calls and the puffiness is relieved soon...

  11. He is so adorable! Thanks for sharing! :)

  12. Sorry it's rainy by you, it's been a beautiful weekend here, surprisingly! Our boys can't wait to see the 2nd Night at the Museum! Glad to hear it was funny.

    I pray that they will get back to you soon about surgery! Poor little Jax! I can only imagine that would make him feel miserable.

    Thanks for the cute pics and video! He is such a handsome little man! I need to snuggle that boy some day!

    Does he ever keep his O2 in?! You must be putting that thing back in his nose all day long! I remember what a struggle that was! It was the same with Gavin and now he fights us with his glasses. That's why they are never on his face! But, oxygen is a little more important I think!


  13. Oh my gosh, he is so cute! I have no sound on my computer, but he is adorable just the same. I love that he takes the hose and chews it. :)

  14. JAXSON you little trixter! that was super cute! I just want to go over there & kiss those cheakers...

    UGH, rainy rainy sorry! Hope you enjoyed your movie;)

  15. Loved the video! Great stories Jaxson and I would want that thing up my nose either.

    We are going to take the kids to see Night @ the museum 2 at the imax. That's an extra treat since we don't go very often. Can't wait!

    Eat some yummy cookies for me!

  16. I just want to cover him with kisses and hugs. What a cutiepie!

  17. Awwwwww! Jaxson is sooo sweet! I love his story telling! Glad you were able to have some fun this weekend at the movie. You totally deserve it Lacey. I will continue to pray that Jaxson's situation will be addressed immediately. How was the movie Mall Cop? I love those movies with senseless humor. Sometimes you need a little of that.

  18. Very cute, and very clever. I think he is as cute as a button.
