
Sunday, May 3, 2009

Movies and cookies

I hope everyone had a great weekend. Ours wasn't bad, Jax has stayed stable enough to watch at home. I am canceling his EEG tomorrow because I don't think other people want me bringing my sick baby to the clinic. Plus he drops his sats when you make him mad, so I think ripping EEG leads off his head probably wouldn't be a good idea, expecially being sick, he'll go blue as a blueberry.
Saturday we went and saw Earth, I highly recommend it, it was beautiful. It shows all of Gods beautiful creations and animals. One thing I really liked was it didn't show natural selection, if you know what I mean. It showed a wolf chasing a baby elk and I was like, oh no, my boys are going to be bawling in a minute. But he knocked it down and then it changed screens. You can tell it was done by Disney. It really is a great movie.
Tonight we let the boys make sugar cookies. Ray got this huge box of cookie cutters for his birthday, (yes he is the cook in the family) so we thought it would be fun for the boys to do. I wish it would get warm so we can do some outside stuff. Here are their creations.

For all you friends that live around Salt Lake, we are going to have a barbeque this summer. We have met so many people that live close we want to have a barbeque with everyone. I will let you know when, we want to make a bunch of cookies like these and let the kids decorate them, so let me know when your going out of town so we can try to get everyone here. Hey and for those that don't live so close, your still more than welcome to come!


  1. I am so glad things are looking up. I hope it continues that way for little Jaxson! Looks like the kids had a blast with the cookies! What kid wouldn't! We would love to get to know more families also. We are so in!

  2. the kids did a great job on the cookies. Keeping Jaxson in our prayers, so glad you have been able to stay home.

  3. The cookies look yummy - I love your boy up on the counter - that is something my boy would do. What a fun family activity and I was glad to hear you went to a movie instead of the hospital this weekend. We would love to get together and meet other families at a BBQ - let us know.

  4. Now I want sugar Looks like fun was had by all!

    Yes, blueberry sounds bad...good choice to forego EEG til stinking influenza hits the road....

  5. You know if I could, I would so be there.Our visit last month was not nearly enough.I love that Ray does the cooking ... he is such a great guy.I was so lucky to have met all of you last month.Hope Jax turns a corner and makes some progress in the right direction,Sweet little man.

  6. Whew.. I'm glad he's feeling better. Your house sounds like ours. It's more like
    It's funny when you can treat your kid better at home with all the same equipment that the hospital has. My stepdaughters mom wanted to keep her at her house when her asthma was acting up to "monitor" her.. I almost busted a gut laughing. My house is like the ER only cleaner. I have a pulse ox, oxygen, nebulizers, albuterol, atrovent, steroids, and then some. Anyway, I'm glad Jax avoided the ER (Ewww.. the germs).
    I wish we lived closer. It sounds cold there, here it's almost 90 degrees during the day. Already BBQ weather here! You all should come to the beach!

  7. YummO! I love me some good sugar cookies....They did a beautiful job!

    By the way I love your little boys long blond locks :0)

    Talk soon....
    Trina and Jophie

  8. Hello my dear Friend, sorry I missed all the posts with updates on Jax and his chest! I really hope he gets better very quickly! What an awesome way to spend your sunday - baking cookies in the kitchen and yes your kitchen is stunning and so big! Im sure those cookies taste sooo good as they were made with so much love! God bless! Megan and Keaton

  9. Those cookies look absolutely delicious!! So delicious that I am willing to do sneak a little cheat on my diet and eat one!!!.....Or maybe 2 or 3 :0)

  10. Glad to hear Jax is staying stable! Praying that he continues to get better!

    YUM! Those cookies look great! I'm impressed! Fun time for your boys!

    Let me know when the barbeque is, maybe I'll surprise you! :)

  11. I just found your blog through Phoenix's Fight. (I have CF, also)

    I added the button for Jaxson to my Prayer Blog so that others that read it will pray for Jaxson.

  12. Glad to hear Jax is doing alright, all things considered. And GOOD work on the sugar cookies. I think we need to take my boys to see that movie's been a long time since we took them to the theater!

  13. The cookies look so yummy! I love sugar cookies. I heard Earth was a great movie. We'll probably check it out on dvd.

    Keeping Jaxson in our prayers. He is such the little fighter.

  14. I am not sure how I found Jaxsons' page but I frequent your updates. My niece was born with CDH. She has severe pulmonary hypertension and lung problems. Her carepage. Syren2008. She was born in Boston and spent almost 5 months at Childrens Hospital Boston. They have a wonderful vascular team...A long way for you to travel but probably well worth it. Yay for Jaxson.. Angi..

  15. Yeah Jax! So glad that little guy is doing better! Glad you had some fun family time over the weekend.
