
Sunday, May 17, 2009

The baby legs are here!!

So I have fallen in love with the baby legs. I'm a little late, its only been a few months since we've had them, man it would have been nice to have them when Jax was in the hospital for 4 months. They have to lay there bare naked, but the legs are usually free to put some clothes on. And he would freeze in the hospital, so knowing we have some hospital time coming up (plus they are so dang cute) I wanted to stock up on some.
Allyson gave me a great website to go to, its here. I was a little overwhelmed at the selection, so many to choose from. But they were only 8 bucks, one pair I got was 6, and free shipping!! You can't beat that on a budget.
Here's Jax modeling his pairs.
Daddy wanted the skulls

Its hard to see in this pic, but this pair has pink in it. At first I thought it was to girly, but it doesn't look bad does it? A boy modeled it in the catalog.

A super bright, fun pair.


  1. Aiden has never had a pair of baby legs; I don't think that they make them to fit chicken legs - he has absolutely no fat on his legs.

  2. Wow, they are so fine. I love the skulls. I feel a shopping binge coming on...

  3. Those are so cute. Sure wish they had been available when Junior was little.

  4. I absolutely LOVE baby legs course Jax makes them look even more adorable!

    Did ya know they grow all the way to adults? Very cool you can use em all the way through as they grow....

    Jophie has a few coool pairs too ;)
    His legs/feet get soooo cold where he doesn't use them so they sure come in handy! :0)

    Trina and Jophie

  5. Avery and Jax can match with their skull baby legs :0) We have the same pair too :0) Love them!!! I'm addicted!! :0)

  6. I love them! Jaxson looks adorable no matter what he has on!

  7. I love the baby legs, what a great idea. Love the skulls!!!

  8. i'm loving the pirate look, it's working for you Jax!!!

  9. Jaxson, you look great in whatever you wear!! You always make me smile when I come here to check on you! You are so cute and handsome! Hope you are feeling better! HUGS!!!

  10. I love baby legs! They are awesome!I love to use them when we are at the ball field and it gets chilly in the evening. Jaxson looks cool!

  11. He will be the envy of all those that see what he is wearing. They are so cute and stylish!!! They should use him as a model :0)

  12. I was wondering where you got those...So ADORABLE!! Thanks for the link, I'll check it out;)

    Hope you're having a good day...
    Keep me posted on Boston;) {{HUGS}}

  13. p.s. I'm not sure if I responded to your comment about the dinosaur blankie.....I could've sworn I did.....

    Dinosaur blankies are super cool and I know that he will LOVE IT for many many MANY years to come!!!!! You are the best!!!

  14. I am just learning about these baby legs but I love the skull ones. Do you think a girl could wear them??? I don't have any boys but from I see around me, pink is in right now for boys so I don't think there is a problem with those striped ones:)

  15. I love those. They are so cute and I have never heard of them until Jax.
    Jonathon's legs get cold during the night,more than during the daytime. Can you wear them under your pj's for extra warmth?

  16. I love these! I want some! Thanks for sharing the website. Bella just lays here in her diaper all day. Thanks
