
Monday, April 27, 2009

Some randomness

I've been meeting a lot of new downs mommies on here lately. Man I never knew there was so many of us around. Its so fun to meet new people and their adorable kido's. A couple are pretty sick right now, reminding me of when Jax was there for so long. Art lines, increasing vent settings, coding, all that crazy stuff. I just wish I had my blog back then. It would be nice to be able to go back and read through stuff, even if its not all good. Its a good record of when things happen.

I was going through pics today because I was looking for my blankie logo. I couldn't for the life of me remember where I saved it. I was looking at pics of Jax over the last few months. Heres just a few.

My long 24 day stay in October

Daddy making me smile

My nissen redo in March


  1. I am loving all of the pics!!! He is one addicting and adorable little kiddo!!

    Thank you so much for allowing us to get to know him!!!




  2. Phoenix has that same orange onsie! We so have to get their pics side by side! Buddies 4ever!!!

  3. He is so adorable! You're right there is a HUGE community of parents with kids with Down syndrome in the blogging world! Crazy no?! I'm so glad to be part of it!

  4. He is so cute - I love the pictures. I love meeting new people in the blogging world too - it is so nice to know there are people out there who truly understand.

  5. He is so precious, I love his big brown eyes!

  6. I know you don't know me, but I have found you through other blogs of people with children with Down syndrome. Do you happen to know Belinda Christensen? I just remember a little boy she brought to church several months back and wonder if this is him! If not... so sorry, but I enjoyed your blog. If so, I loved every second of sitting next to them in church! He is an angel!

  7. Hey Lacey!!! I just do LC's stuff on can download the software's super easy to use...

  8. Hi friend, These pics of Jax are just sooo beautiful - I love the one with him and his daddy! You are so kind - I can talk to my brother in law - he is in the freight business and see how we can do it... Are you sure you dont want to keep some Thomas stuff for Jax? Maybe keep him a few things - I am so humbled by your kindness and givingness (if thats a word).... Im so blessed to have met you via the wonderful world of internet! God bless! Megs

  9. Jaxson is so cute! I swear he looks a lot like my Landon!

    It is great to be a part of the blogging community. And seemingly strange that I feel attached to your little guy, though I've never met any of you. It is helpful knowing the thoughts and happenings of others, makes you feel like you aren't the only one!!!

  10. Look at him.....he is too cute for words! Seriously! I want to squeeze him!

  11. JAX, you are such a cute baby boy & for the post before...

    LACEY!! I only wish I could be HALF as good of a mother as you are...You're my HERO!! SERIOUSLY...I don't know how you do're just AMAZING!
    Sure hope that Jax is feeling better!;)
