
Sunday, March 15, 2009

A great opportunity

I got an email from a friend about a little boy that was here in Salt Lake on vacation and ended up in our hospital. She asked me if I had a blankie already made that I could give him and I had one. So I got to go up personally and give this blankie to him. It was so nice because the blankies usually get mailed and I don't get to do it personally. His mom is trying to get him life flighted back home because he could be in the hospital for a while. Go over to the Blankie blog and meet him and sweet little Phoenix that got his blankie yesterday.

Nice redeye that I forgot to take off this pic. This is Jax in his new monkey jams. Aren't they so cute.

Jax has not been waking up crying since we propped his bed up a little. But he has been waking up coughing his head off. If its not one thing, its another. I tried albuterol because when my asthma kids get coughing at night the albuterol helps. But it didn't help him. I'm going to try vicks on the feet with socks on, I heard that from another mom.


  1. HI! Man you are fast. Someone already commented on ben's blog after seeing his blanket picture up. It was SO fun to meet you today. Thanks for delivering the blanket in person. Follow Ben's blog for updates on his progress. Thanks again and keep in touch!!! :)

  2. Hey little man! I hope you are sleeping better soon! Thank you so much for the blankie, Phoenix wasn't feeling well today and snuggled all day with it! Sending big hugs!
    Take care of mom!

  3. Oh he is so handsome!! Even if he's not looking at the camera!

  4. Love the jammies! I have heard about the vicks on the feet too. You'll have to let us know if it works. That is so nice you got to hand deliver the blankie :-)

  5. So special to get to hand deliver the blanket.
    Love Jaxsons new jammies, and we do the vicks on the feet regularly. It really helps Junior. I also have found that vicks on the chest covered by a warm cloth helps.

  6. Your blankets are finding their way to some really special kids Lacey.Proud of you.As for your trip.We probably will need some really good vibes and lots of prayers to be out before you come but yes Jax can come either way we will ALL get together.Love the last picture of Jax.Even sick he is so darn cute.Feel better little guy.

  7. Hi Jaxson and Family, Man oh Man you are just so cute! I love your monkey pj's... I ordered Keaton some this weekend and I hope to recieve our package soon with all our goodies in it from the states... My husband use to live there and still today gets packages as we dont get some of the stuff that he uses here in South Africa so I am able to order a few things for Keaton which are just the cutest from all old navy, gap and target.... Jaxson please give your mom an extra kiss and cuddle today as she is such a special person - to go and deliver the blankie herself and make someones day is such a great thing to do! You are so inspirational! God bless, Love Megan and Keaton

  8. Hey Girl, I have something for you on my blog.

  9. Jaxson, you look so adorable snuggled up in bed, fast asleep! Hope his cough gets better soon!

  10. I hope he feels better. We've all been passing around the 'nasties' the last couple of it's chest colds all around. I pray it doesn't find it's way into let me know if that vix on the feet work! Love the jammies!!! :)

  11. What kind of cough does he have? If it's a junky kind of cough, like maybe a little wetness in the lungs you can also mix some Atrovent in the nebulizer with the Albuterol and it may help. Lil man has to use it that way now and again.. good luck. Oh, and thanks again for all the helpful advise lately :)

  12. Yes you guys should get back involved with IHH, we would LOVE it! There is a camp this summer and they are such a great support group. If you get a chance, please do...we would love it! :)

  13. Hey . . .just wanted to leave you a comment since I saw your comment on Preslie's page and let you know that we realize you have a lot going on and it can be a little overwhelming to try to keep up with EVERYTHING. When you feel the need to want to be involved, as we have some fun things planned this summer, you are always welcome with open arms. The more the merrier :0)
    Carolyn Quigley
    President, IHH

  14. I am praying I dont get it!! He is sooo sick and it makes me sad cuz there is not a thing I can do about it!! He is sleeping a ton. I can hear his tummy gurgling, so gross! I washed EVERYTHING in my house and have been wearing gloves, washing my hands and using sanitizer after changing him! haha

    I LOVE jax's monkey jammies!! Malachi has a pair kinda like that and i would put him in them every night if i could!
