
Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Jabbering babies, and lucky bears

We are getting the storm that's coming from California. But we get snow instead of rain. I'm so ready for summer.
I think we might start Tanner on anxiety meds. He had a really bad day at school today. It's not getting better so I think we will give it a try. Does anyone else with an autistic child have them on anxiety meds? I don't know what they'll put him on.

I was soo sick yesterday. I think it was food poisoning. It didn't feel like the flu. My gut was just screaming. I don't know where i got it from because no one else in my house is sick and we all ate the same stuff. I feel better today, just a little queasy.

Jax was jabbering away today. Of course as soon as I turned on the camera he stopped. Oh well, its still cute to see him.

Guess what came today? Our lucky bear, yeah. Carter helped me stuff it and when he made his wish on the star before putting it in the bear he said. I wish for Jaxson to never get sick again. Ohh so sweet.
Its so cute and soft. Plus it goes toward Pheonix and their fight to cure Cystic Fibrosis. Go to his site and buy one today.


  1. We are having horrible rain storms here in CA so if that is what is moving your way then look out, it is a big storm.
    Love the video of Jaxson, he is such a cutie

  2. I love the pics! Would you mind if I post them on my blog?

  3. Too cute Mr.Jax.Love the video and the pictures.What an awesome cause and Phoenix ... what a little doll he is!!!Sounds like you will be more than ready for a trip to LA.Rain will be long gone by then.

  4. Aww, what a beautiful wish! I hope it comes true.

  5. Chloe always stops her cuteness when the camera comes out too.

    That green bear is adorable! Not as adorable as Jax, but definitely cute. =)

  6. We are getting snow again too! Ugh! I am so ready for summer!

    We got our blankie in the mail today! We LOVE it! THANK YOU!!! I'll get a picture to you soon! The pic of Jax on it is so sweet and makes it even more special!

    Love the video of Jaxson! He is PRECIOUS!!! Hugs!

  7. That was so incredably sweet!!! I loved that Jax...Keep it up, I want to see more;)

    Great wish...I pray that it comes true!!!

  8. Aiden's cath is a pre-surgery cath. The doctors want to get a really good look at his valve before his repair
