
Wednesday, February 11, 2009

More awards and cranky babies

Ok I have one more award to pass on. This one was given to me by Renee at Life with my special K's. Also the last award was given to me by Kaci from my 3 sons.(I forgot to mention that) This one is the lemonade award. It is for great attitudes or gratitudes. Pass this on to 5-10 more people and send them a comment that they recieved it.I give this one to
1. Julie from The Snell family
2. Heidi from Heidi and Juniors blog
3. Sarah from Class of 2008
4. Tara from Kidz
5. Michelle from Zoromoski chronicles

Heres a pic of Carter trying to hold Jax while we waited at the school for Tanner to get his award.

Tanner getting his award from the principal. Notice how he doesn't like how close she is to him.

Jax has been super cranky since his surgery. I got the loratab filled, but it doesn't seem to be helping. His g-tube site has been so red and there are even some spots were it has broken down and bleeds. I just switched the button out because it was way to big. But this one still leaks, and I think thats why he has breakdown. I might have to go back to my mickey button. I'll give this one a few more days.

This is the only time he is no cranky. He also has this new trick to wake up at 3 0'clock in the morning. Then he goes back to sleep until 9 or so. I don't think so, the past couple of days I wake him up at 8 so I can break this new habit.
I have a couple of blankies on their way, I'm still waiting for a pic of our first one to post. (Zoey's mom.) Just kidding, I know they just barely got home from the hospital. Carson's is on his way and Gavin's and Dillon's will be sent out in the next day or so.
Remember to email me if you know of someone who needs a blankie, I have helpers now, and I'm having a blast.


  1. Thanks so much, I have never gotten a blog award before.

    Sure hope Jaxsons G-tube site clears up soon. It looks so sore.
    Hugs, Heidi

  2. Congrats on your well-deserved award and thank you for passing it on to me! I'm truly honored!!!

    I love that picture of Carson holding Jax. Adorable!

  3. Poor little man! I pray that his site clears up soon and that he is soon less fussy!

    Love the pics!!! Can't wait to see our blanket!! :) Thank You!

  4. You know, Rhett's button gets like that too. The only thing that we have found that works to stop his break down and keep the moisture away is Desitin.

    Forget all the hospital crap, Desitin works wonders for Rhett.

    Rhett's super cranky too, and he's now running a fever and has some awful sats.

    I love the picture of Carson holding Jax. So stinking cute.

    Hang in there.

  5. Ouch ... his poor little tummy.Zoey's g-tube has had it's moments as well.Fit really does matter.Leakage reeks havoc.Hope it heals quickly.Look for an email my friend.Zoey is loving her blankie ..picture will prove it!

  6. Well what happened at the awards? Did they just present it as a spelling award or did they say the words?

    I love the pictures. Yes, he doesn't look like he wants to get very close to the teacher. It is kinda cute.

    Hope Jaxson's tummy starts getting better.

    And your welcome for the awards. I was glad I got to know you and happy to pass them on.
