
Friday, January 30, 2009

More cute pics

They just moved Jax surgery up to next wednsday. AAHH. His pediatrician wanted it sooner than March 2 and the day both surgeons are in the OR is Feb. 4. I'm glad they are doing it sooner, but it just brings the pre surgery butterflies. My pediatrician asked if I was having regrets. I said no, he needs it, its just scary letting him go to the OR because he is so fragile. They will leave him on the vent. I don't know for how long. When your doc said she is a little nervous too, That doesn't make me feel any better. But she will be in the office all day on Wednsday so she wants me to keep her updated. Now I need to hurry and get things ready for a week or so in the hospital. I'm just praying for no infections and he is able to get off the vent in a reasonable amount of time.

Here are some more of the cute pics at our photo shoot we did.


  1. Keeping you guys in our prayers as you get ready for Jaxsons surgery.

    Love the pictures, so cute

  2. What a precious boy.

  3. What time is the surgery? I'll try to run up.

  4. What a great photo shoot. And that hair!!! He is adorable.

    I'm kinda glad they moved your surgery up. Get it done and over with and move on to better milestones with him. I will say lots of prayers for you and your family.


  5. Very cute pics. I'll keep you all in my prayers.

  6. Great photos! Love the hair!
    Praying everything goes well.

  7. Such cute pictures!!

    Are they doing Jaxson's nissen open or lapriscopically....I totally just butchered that word. It's 11 i'm sleepy.....Hoepfully it can jus be lapra....oh whatever the hell that word is.

    Let me know we will come up one day and say howdy once you are out of the PICU and bring lunch.


  8. He is SOOOO cute! He reminds me so much of Gavin!

    I pray that his surgery goes well and that he can get home real soon!
