
Friday, January 16, 2009

Ambulance ride anyone?

Today started off great. We went down to the dinasour museum with Jax's little friend Arianna. The boys had a blast. It was nice to get them out because the've been off track in school and have been sitting around the house all day.

Afterward we went to Walmart to go grocery shopping. Jax is still in an infant carrier even though he is three. He is under 20 lbs and under 22 inches. Plus he can't sit up in the cart so its the easiest way to tote him around.

He was asleep most of the time, he started to wake up, I looked at him and he looked pale. All of the sudden he started gagging and wretching. I picked him up and my hubby grabbed his syringe to vent his g-tube. Then I looked down at him and he was Grey, yes grey. And totally listless. my husband called 911 and I called my ped. and we headed to the front of the store. Luckily the fire department is in the same parking lot as the store so they were there in seconds.

I do have a humerous story in all of this, my husband went to ask walmart if they had a defibrilator. The 911 lady told him to find one. The guy at customer service told him to get in line. He asked them again, the girl said, did you check in hardware. HA. So if you ever need a defibrilator, check in the hardware section at walmart. And by the way, walmart was not helpful at all, the will be receiving a letter from us.

Anyway. They took him by ambulance to the hospital. His vitals stayed stable the whole time, and when we got to the ER he perked right up and was fine.


He continues to show us that he is in charge and not to get to comfy in any kind of routine. My ped. thinks he aspirated. Thats what I think, I didn't see any siezures, who knows, the kid just likes to be naughty.

He doesn't look very sick does he?

He may be getting an upper GI to make sure his nisson is still intact. More fun stuff.

Starting on my blankies though, keep the requests comin..


  1. Oh that is so scary. Happy to hear that Jaxson is okay. Give him a hug for us and tell him to behave and not scare his mom anymore.

  2. Oh,sweet boy.I am so glad it all turned out alright.Scary for sure.For everyone.Rest well and kisses to Zoey's brave little boyfriend.

  3. Oh my goodness, Jaxson. I am glad you are OK. Pretty scary for mom and dad though.

  4. OMG, that is so scary. I am amazed how well you were able to keep your humor though. I am so glad to hear the jax is fine.

  5. How scary! I'm glad to hear he's doing better! Tell him I said no more big scares for awhile! Hope you have a great weekend!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Okay that would drive me over the edge! Way too much for me to handle, and then for him to be okay, which is great, but come on Jaxson. I was just reading the story and I was scared.

  8. So I can compare Jaxson to a car. You have a weird sound in your car for days and you take it to the repair shop and long behold, nothing......

    Okay Jaxson, you stop giving your mommy and daddy scares. You be a good boy now so mommy can get some rest.

    Hope that helps. LOL

  9. We left you something on our blog!

  10. How scary! Great job handling this episode mom and dad! Jaxson, you better be good for your mommy and daddy! Did you just want a day of excitement, or what?! So glad to hear that you are doing well now!

    This scares me, since Gavin's nissen has definitely opened up and he gags and spits up daily! I guess I should take him back in for a check-up with his surgeon? I would just hate for him to have to go through another surgery!

    As for making him a blankie, we would be honored! But, make all your others first and then if you have time, Gavin would love one! His room is done up in a safari theme, with brown and tan lions, tigers, giraffes, etc.

    You are so sweet to do this for everyone!!! It is so refreshing to have such kind people in this world! You, my dear, are definitely one of them! Thank you!

  11. OYA YA OY!!! OMG JAXXX!! I'm so glad that you have your special Mom & Dad there to keep you safe & healthy!
    Please keep us posted & give him a HUGE hug & kiss for me. I'm so sorry that you had to go through this. How scary!
    Hang in there Jax! No more ambulance rides;)
    {{LOTS of hugs!}}

  12. You are not going to believe this but we live in the next valley over from Simi!We are in Camarillo.So we are talking like fifteen miles away from Simi Valley.We would LOVE to meet up with you in April.Wouldn't it be great if zoey was all dne with her treatments?Keep me posted.My email is on my profile.Email me.

  13. oh that would scare me to death. i am glad he is ok. cute blankets

  14. Now there's a new definition of naughty - causing a trip to the ER.


  15. Oh goodness, how terribly awful. I'm so sorry Walmart didn't do a better job. I hope he is feeling better soon.

  16. Sweet, sweet Jaxson...I'm so glad to hear that you are feeling better. I want you to know that there are many other better ways to get attention, little buddy!!!! Good job Mom and Dad! (And thanks for the tip on where to find defibrillators at Wal-Mart - LOL!)

  17. How scary! It's never fun when our kiddos do this! Addy had done that before too and then the next thing you know she's fine! I'm glad Jax is okay.
