
Saturday, November 29, 2008

Rhino boy

So Jax has been congested and sick since Wednsday. We found out today that is was the Rhino virus, whew, we can handle that one. It tends to be one of the lesser of the evils, I think we can make it through without the hospital stay, his oxygen need is up but not enough that I can't watch him at home, moms are better docs anyway.
Thanksgiving was good, today we are putting our tree up. I love the holidays, we love to drive around at night and just look at peoples xmas lights. Tanner my autistic one LOVES xmas lights. Next Sat. the 6th is Jaxsons b-day party. its an open house so just come and have a piece of cake. No presents please, its from 4 to 6 Call me at 792-4661 to get our address for those of you we just met and didn't get invitations to, we would love to meet our new friends.

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